
The skipWhile function is used to create a new array that contains all elements of an input array except for the elements at the beginning of the array that satisfy a specified condition.


type skipWhile = <E>(predicate: Predicate<E>) => (array: Array<E>) => Array<E>
  • predicate (Function): A function that takes an element of the input array as its argument and returns a boolean value. Elements satisfying the condition returned as true by the predicate function will be skipped.
  • array (Array): The input array from which elements will be skipped.

Return Value

Returns a new array containing all elements of the input array except for the elements at the beginning that satisfy the condition specified by the predicate function. The original array is not modified.


import { skipWhile }  from 'fnxt/array';

const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const isLessThanThree = (x: number) =>  x < 3;
const result = skipWhile(isLessThanThree)(numbers);

// Output: [3, 4, 5]

See Also